NUST Research and Innovation Blog site is a platform where related interactive content is uploaded and linked with quarterly newsletter. To maintain a steady flow of information, following guidelines are to be followed. The blog content may include but is not limited to: (i). Applied research projects, (ii). Research blogs (research articles converted into blogs in lay-man language), (iii). Faculty achievements, (iv). Patents, (v). Licensing, (vi). Tech-transfer, (vii). Lab development, (viii). Opinion pieces (technology, social sciences, health science, etc), (ix). Social contributions, and (x). Competitions.
Blogs are to be provided in simple lay-man language to make it understandable for the general audience. Research blogs are generally considered blueprint of a topic being discussed or research being carried out. A well-defined blog can attract the audience and may convert into valuable outcomes in terms of readership and collaboration. Every blog received at Research Directorate is evaluated to ensure that the topic includes relevant information as per following guidelines:
- Background of the topic or study
- Objective for conducting a specific research / project
- Research gap in current study
- Novelty of the research / project conducted
- NUST contribution to the research / project. Name of Principal Investigator (PI) and team members may also be included
- Explanation of how the research or project will benefit the country and overcome research gap
- Plots, interactive pictures, and videos of the project
- Research findings, adaptability, and outcomes
- Possible area (s) for collaboration (if applicable) and conclusion
- Name of funding agency
- Acknowledgement (if applicable)
The checklist for echoing the above guidelines are appended below:
- Attractive title
- SDG tagging
- Cover photo
- Blog length 600 – 800 words
- High-resolution images / figures / graphs
- Captions of images / figures / graphs
- Collaborating institution / organization
- Author Details
- Author profile picture
- Google Scholar profile link of author
For further details, send us your query at