SafeRail: Using Sensor Technology and AI for Safer Railways

Pakistan Railways (PR), the only railroad sector organization of Pakistan aims to provide a competitive, safe, reliable, market oriented, efficient, and environment-friendly mode of passenger as well as freight transport. As of June 2022, the total track length of PR was 11,881 kilometers consisting of 445 Railway stations whereas rolling stock consisted of 466 locomotives,…


Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Power Plants

In order to run power plant operations smoothly, power plant faults need to be detected, located and classified quickly. For this, artificial neural network approaches are considered significant tool in related application of power system. Power plants failures can take place due to multiple factors for instance lightning strikes, damage of equipment’s at power generation…

NUST Researcher indigenously developed AI powered HESS Screening system for Diagnosis of Squinty Eyes

Patients who have vision impairment may find it extremely difficult to go about their regular lives. Unfortunately, the number of people in Pakistan affected by vision impairment is staggering; an estimated 21.78 million (Hassan 2019). Such impairments reduce people’s quality of life, which results in a cumulative loss of production and income for the nation….