Information Disorder: A New Challenge for Media Industry

The faculty of Mass Communication has been actively engaging in conversation about the impact that Covid, Information Disorders in Covid and otherwise have. The outbreak of COVID-19, mostly due to its novelty, pushed and accelerated the creation, transmission, and consumption of false information, unverified claims, misleading statements, false rumours, and conspiracy theories, globally. Not that…

NUST Researchers Designed First Home-Grown Microprocessor

Semiconductor Integrated Circuits (IC), also called as a chip, are tiny devices composed of billions of transistors, that drive the electronics world today. For instance, the microprocessor is one of the oldest computing platforms that still quietly powers our life today – there is one in the device you are reading this article on and…

IoT Based Indoor Air Quality Monitoring System deployed at NUST

On average, humans spend around 90 % of their time indoors, which highlights the importance of indoor air quality. Indoor air quality typically encompasses the ambient conditions inside buildings and public facilities that may affect both the mental and respiratory health of an individual. Until the COVID-19 outbreak, indoor air quality monitoring was not a…