NUST conducted Entrepreneurship Training Program for low-skilled labour

Pakistan as a developing nation faces a complex set of challenges that contribute to its relatively low level of economic development and high poverty rate. It is a nation characterised by high birth rate, declining death rate, smaller labour force than population size and having one of the lowest national per capita incomes in the…


Architectural Design Proposal for Resilient Community Rebuilding

Pakistan faces unprecedented natural disasters each year which are a direct repercussion of the increasing global temperatures. The global North is responsible for 92 percent of GHG emissions, but the inordinate and unreasonable implications of these factors are carried by the developing countries of the Global South which in fact have less functional resources to…


NUST launched Climate Resilient Plan to achieve Net Zero eMission

It is well-established that Pakistan is among the countries that are most vulnerable to climate change impacts. For over a decade, it has been consistently ranked in the top ten countries in Germanwatch’s Climate Risk Index, and these impacts are very palpable today. Over the past year, it has become increasingly apparent that climate change…


Solar-Powered IoT-Based Weather Station developed by NUST

Solar-powered IoT-based weather station is a device that uses solar energy and internet of things (IoT) technology to gather and transmit data about weather conditions such as temperature, humidity, rainfall, wind speed, and direction. The device consists of various sensors that capture these parameters and then transmit the information to a central server, which can…
