Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Power Plants

In order to run power plant operations smoothly, power plant faults need to be detected, located and classified quickly. For this, artificial neural network approaches are considered significant tool in related application of power system. Power plants failures can take place due to multiple factors for instance lightning strikes, damage of equipment’s at power generation…

Emergence of High Voltage Laboratory at USPCAS-E NUST

The significance of power transmission at high voltages was realized just after the few years of invention of first ever successful power system. This was the famous “War of Currents” era of Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla between late 1880s and early 1890s. The first power system started from 110 volts lightning 3000 lamps having…

NUST team implements Intelligent Energy Monitoring & Management System at Fazal Steel

Energy conservation opportunities in Pakistan are estimated to be 5 billion USD a year with a substantial share of 25% for industry. One of the several ways of energy saving in the industrial sector is implementation of an integrated Energy Management System (EMS). However, like other developing countries, EMS in process industries of Pakistan involves…

Shun Power Politics for Sustainable Development

Herman Daly, the renowned ecological economist, in his book, The Steady-State Economics (1977), exposes the fallacy inherent in the concept of unlimited growth which is based on the refusal or failure to realize that the environment, which encloses all socioeconomic activity since the latter takes place within the confines of the former, is a limited…