Dr Riaz Ahmad Mufti who is working as Professor at SMME is a very motivated, dedicated and patriotic Pakistani. For the past 25 years of his professional career, he has been actively involved in contributing significantly at national and International level as well as for community welfare. Dr. Riaz Ahmad Mufti had worked on various National and International Research Projects related to Automotive Industry. Dr. Riaz Ahmed Mufti has also been actively involved in promoting University Industry Linkages. Currently he is providing consultancy services to local industries as well as foreign industries which include Millat Tractors, British Petroleum, Castrol, Lubrizol, Power Visions, Pakistan Science Foundation and Defence.
In addition, to provide industrial support he has also completed a challenging project with HEC i.e. Electric Vehicle Project. He presented technical findings worldwide at different conferences and symposiums. He has more than 4 dozen publications in reputed Journals and Conferences and also filed 6 x patents. He has developed a commercial product “Engine Health Monitoring System” for automotive industry. He established the first and only NI Labview Academy in Pakistan certified by National Instruments USA. He also developed Automotive Research Centre to provide consultancy and solutions for local industry. One of his Commercial Product “Engine Blow-by Monitoring System” was recognized as the best product and was awarded the “Innovation Award”. Prof Dr Riaz Ahmad Mufti has already been awarded the President’s Award for Pride of Performance.

SMME is elated to announce that in recognition to his meritorious services towards Engineering Community Prof Dr Mufti has recently been awarded the very first “Ali Suleman Habib Engineering Excellence Award in conjunction with Institution of Engineers of Pakistan. This award is given to recognize those engineers who have excelled in the field of engineering and made significant contribution to society and to nation at large. This award along with a generous prize of PKR 1 Million has been awarded to Dr Mufti specifically in recognition to his dynamic body of work titled “Design & Development of Test Rigs and Inspection Machines for Automotive industry.”
The author is Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at NUST School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering (NUST-SMME) and can be reached at riazmufti@smme.nust.edu.pk.
Researcher’s Profile: https://bit.ly/3orzUI1