The Dawn of Industry 5.0: Science Fiction or Reality in the Realm of Intelligent NextG Wireless Networks

Transition Towards Industry 5.0: The world is experiencing the fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, one of the future projects that the German government outlined in its 2010 ”High-Tech Strategy 2020” action plan. The end goal was to enhance digitization in smart production and bring automated control under the vision of mass production, like in…

Am I a socially responsible researcher? Pillars and strategies

Research is now becoming a “gap task” that academics often do for their performance rankings and students for the fulfillment of their degree requirements. The question is what needs to be done to make academic researchers—both professors and students—socially responsible researchers. What strategies are required to assist researchers in going beyond this gap task approach…


Climate Proofing Indus Water Treaty

Mankind is the major environmental force in changing the geological facade of the Earth. Climate change, a human induced phenomenon, has emerged to be reckoned with as a global reality that can neither be denied nor neglected. The global warming and the melting of glaciers around the world at an alarming rate is its prime…
